Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray


Original price was: $95.90.Current price is: $47.95.

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

Applying Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray in breaking down the protein keratin, which makes up the majority of the callus, and urea aids in moisturizing and hydrating the skin. The active components in the foot callus spray penetrate the thicker skin in the afflicted region and start to break the connections holding the dead skin cells together. The callus eventually becomes softer as a result of this process, making removal simpler.

What causes foot calluses to form?

Foot calluses develop as a natural skin defense mechanism in response to repetitive friction, pressure, or irritation. When the skin is exposed to these stresses, it thickens and hardens in order to protect the underlying structures. The formation of a callus begins when the skin is subjected to continuous pressure or rubbing. In response, the outer layer of the skin, known as the epidermis, thickens to provide extra protection.

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

Calluses become tender or cause discomfort, especially if they grow excessively or develop in areas that experience high pressure or friction. Common causes of callus formation include wearing ill-fitting footwear, engaging in repetitive activities that put pressure on specific areas of the body, and certain foot abnormalities.

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

M.D Recommended

As a Dermatologist, I prescribe this GFOUK™ Foot Callus Removal Spray to patients with foot calluses, discomfort, or other skin disorders on their feet. Our Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray, which contains a variety of minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds, aids in softening callus and dry skin, making removal simpler and reducing infections.

How does Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray?

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray typically works by softening and breaking down the callus’ thicker, harder skin. The spray formulation allows for simple and targeted application. The spray’s active ingredients are designed to penetrate the thickened skin and reach the callus layers.

Softens the Callus Buildup

Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray has the ability to break down or dissolve keratin, the protein that forms the tough outer layer of the callus. It works by penetrating the layers of the callused skin and disrupting the bonds between the dead skin cells, gradually softening and loosening the callus.

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

What makes Bluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray Special?

✓ Designed for easy and convenient application

✓ The spray format allows for precise and targeted application

✓ Natural extracts that have exfoliating properties

✓ Soften and break down the hardened skin cells of calluses

✓ Promote smoother and healthier-looking skin

✓ Help to hydrate and nourish the skin,

✓ Preventing excessive dryness and promoting skin health

✓ Formulated to be quickly absorbed by the skin

Effective Ingredients

The major focus of the core components is on natural plant extracts and botanicals with relaxing, healing, and exfoliating benefits. The spray formulation allows for accurate and easy application. When sprayed to the affected area, the liquid form of the spray offers active chemicals to soften and exfoliate the hardened skin cells while also making it simpler to penetrate calloused skin.

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

1. Orange Oil Extract – Orange extract is known for containing a variety of substances, such as vitamins and antioxidants, which can have nourishing and moisturizing benefits on the skin.

2. Sugar Cane Extract – Sugar cane extract contains alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), which have exfoliating properties and can help remove dead skin cells.

3Saffron – contains nutrients that aid in scavenging the infection as well as a potent acid. It can sooth thickened skin and gradually exfoliate dry, dead skin.

4. Peppermint Extract – Peppermint extract has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin. It can provide relief from discomfort associated with calluses and promote a refreshing sensation.

 Here are some of our Happy Customers

“Overall, I’m pleased with the results I’ve had from putting the foot callus spray into my foot care routine. It has rejuvenated my calloused feet, making them smoother and more pleasant. If you’re looking for a new way to treat callused soles, I highly recommend trying this foot callus spray. Accept the regeneration and appreciate the refreshing sensation it gives your feet. I love how my sole looks like now than before! Very huge improvement!” – Rina Falcon

“Having callus and cracked feet is very embarrassing and painful. I’m struggling to wear proper foot wear for me to feel comfortable and doesn’t trigger the callus pain. I finally found thisBluesky Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray and it’s a life saver! Over time, I noticed a significant improvement in the condition of my callused soles. This spray contains hydrating ingredients that help to maintain moisture levels.” – Patrick German

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray

Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray
Morning Light Lucky Star Antifungal Foot Spray
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