Package Includes: 1 x AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch
AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch
$22.95 – $110.95

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2021, 42.4% of American adults are considered obese, which means that more than 1/3 of American adults are obese. Additionally, more than 7.7 percent of American adults are considered extremely obese. These data demonstrate that obesity has become a serious public health problem in the United States, with enormous impacts on individual health and socioeconomics.
Let’s take a look at what our happy customers are saying:
“As someone in my 40s, I put on so much weight that it really took a toll on my confidence. However, after only 8 weeks of using the AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch, I’m happy to say that my problems were resolved Relief! I had a hard time controlling my appetite before using it and after using it my appetite is under control. But that’s not all – I also noticed a significant improvement in my digestive system and my metabolism Boost, it makes me feel so much better about myself. My co-workers seem to like me even more. I highly recommend it to anyone with obesity or related issues.
Ezequiel Reid, 44, Fresno, California
I am a 42 year old car salesman from Queens, NY. Bullied at school as a child, with an unstable family life, I comforted myself with diet, and I have been overweight my whole life. Overeating had serious consequences, my body became bloated and I fell into the trap. After my rapid weight loss, my skin became very saggy. This led me to a lot of product treatments, but none worked until I tried this AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch. In just a few days, my cellulite has improved significantly, the flesh on my stomach has begun to tighten, even the fat on my belly has faded, and my skin is as firm as ever! Right? One of my best purchases and will definitely buy again! ! !
– Rachel Thomas, Denver, Colorado
It’s Time To Get Serious About Your Obesity
Obesity refers to excessive accumulation of body fat and is a chronic metabolic disease. Obesity is a serious health problem that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, gallbladder disease, bone and joint disease, and poses a threat to physical health and life safety.In addition, obesity can negatively affect mental health, such as decreased self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc.
Obese people will encounter many inconvenient problems in daily life, and these problems will also affect their quality of life, such as inconvenient clothing, inconvenient movement, inconvenient sleep, bathing, wearing shoes, tying shoelaces, etc. are more difficult, and may even may suffer from discrimination and unfair treatment from society
Catechin plays an important role in weight loss
Obesity is caused by excessive accumulation of body fat due to energy intake exceeding energy consumption. If energy consumption is too much, it will play a role in weight loss
Catechin has multiple functions in weight loss, such as promoting the oxidative metabolism of fatty acids, accelerating the decomposition and utilization of fat, reducing fat accumulation, accelerating the body’s metabolism, increasing energy consumption, and controlling appetite by affecting the nervous system and hormone secretion. , reduce food intake and other effects.
Dr. Adam Williams and AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch
AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch was developed by Dr. Adam Williams’ research team, creatively using transdermal drug delivery and nano-drug carrier technology to ensure that Catechin is effectively absorbed by the body. As a result, Catechin can quickly exert its curative effect, penetrate into the fat in the abdomen, enter the intestinal tract, and play a role.
The AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch was a milestone in my research career. I’m so proud our team has created a way to get more people back to their weight
A New Efficient Weight Loss Method
AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch uses microcapsule technology to concentrate active ingredients in microcapsules. After the capsules are broken and pasted on the body surface, targeted transdermal drug delivery technology (drug-stratum corneum-dermis-fat-intestine tract), acts on fat and intestines. Compared with ordinary oral drugs, it has the advantages of strong targeting, high concentration and high absorption efficiency.
The problem of weight loss can be solved in many ways, such as promoting the oxidative metabolism of fatty acids, reducing fat accumulation, accelerating human metabolism, increasing energy consumption, controlling appetite and reducing food intake by affecting the nervous system and hormone secretion.It can also promote intestinal peristalsis, which can improve the body’s digestive problems, further achieve the effect of weight loss, and can also treat constipation and abdominal pain, etc.
Diet Pills That Can Protect Your Gut
Both catechin and emodin in the product have the effect of protecting the intestinal tract. Catechin can inhibit human pathogenic bacteria (such as botulism) without harming the reproduction of beneficial bacteria (such as lactic acid bacteria), so it has the effect of protecting the intestinal tract.
Emodin can stimulate the intestinal mucosa and promote the contraction of intestinal smooth muscle, thereby increasing intestinal peristalsis. In addition, emodin can also increase the secretion of intestinal fluid, making it easier to pass stool. It can also promote the secretion of bile and increase the concentration of bile acids in the intestinal tract, thereby promoting the decomposition and absorption of fat, and helping to treat problems such as constipation and indigestion.
Uniquely Formulated AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads Patch
Catechin: Catechin, a polyphenolic compound extracted from tea leaves, has been shown to aid in weight loss through several mechanisms. First, it promotes fat oxidation, which is the breakdown of fat into energy. Second, it inhibits the formation and growth of fat cells, thereby reducing fat storage. In addition, catechins can also suppress appetite and reduce the amount of food consumed, thereby reducing energy intake.
Emodin: Extracted from rhubarb, it can stimulate the intestinal mucosa, promote the contraction of intestinal smooth muscle, reduce the absorption of intestinal fluid, thereby increasing intestinal peristalsis. In addition, emodin can also promote the secretion of bile, increase the concentration of bile acids in the intestine, thereby promoting the decomposition and absorption of fat, and helping to alleviate problems such as constipation and indigestion
Oleic acid: It is a natural organic acid, which is mainly found in lotus leaves. It can reduce the content of cholesterol and triacylglycerol, thereby reducing the synthesis and accumulation of fat. The most important thing is that it can improve satiety and increase Viscosity and consistency of food, thereby increasing the residence time of food in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in a feeling of fullness, reducing appetite and food intake
Cinnamic aldehyde: Extracted from cinnamon, studies have shown that cinnamon can promote energy metabolism through various pathways. For example, cinnamon can increase the expression level of glucose transporters in muscle cells, promote the uptake and utilization of glucose, and thus increase energy expenditure. In addition, the ingredients in cinnamon can also stimulate the activity of AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) in fat cells, thereby promoting the oxidation and metabolism of fat, thus helping to reduce fat and improve energy consumption after meals.
This is Kayne Stewart ‘s Weight Loss Journey with AirFlow® Botanical Extracts Burst Beads PatchLose Weight Without Exercise
“I work long hours at the computer every day. I don’t want to take pills to lose weight . As a result, my body suffers from a lot of aches and pains that cause me to become overweight. I don’t want to have any type of surgery . So looking for a solution to my weight problem approach when I encountered AirFlow® , decided to give it a try! “
“So, at week 4, I really saw incredible changes! I wore the AirFlow® to my workouts and I felt more sweaty than ever. And I lost about 28 lbs ! It’s amazing! People are amazed how crazy the difference is!”
“After wearing it for 8 weeks, I’m amazed at the results! I’ve lost a total of 62 lbs. My body feels healthy, clearer, free of bloat and toxins! I’m really glad I found AirFlow®, it really does it Changed my body and my life!”
Usage Guide:
- place the patch on the navel
- Gently press the patch with your fingers to break the microcapsules
- Used once a day, a single patch can be used for 8 hours
- It is recommended to use it continuously for more than 28 days
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